SleepTimer is a template software title, designed to give long term marketing exposure for websites, business’ or products by having a button link to your website on plain display and being circulated around the internet as FreeWare.
Compared to the costs of pay per click advertising systems the long term benefits offered with this advertising technique are highly desirable.
Each customized build of SleepTimer is unique for each client. No overlapping advertisements can take place and you will be able to distribute the software as freeware to your audience, in any manner you like forever!
SleepTimer itself is a nifty little program that will shut down your PC in a given time frame. More and more people are watching movies on their PC, and frequently wake up and realize the computer is in sleep mode, but still using power. Why not use SleepTimer to make sure the system is off, just in case you drop off!
As a FreeWare title SleepTimer will be assisted by the marketing efforts of and over time will reach many thousands if not millions of potential surfers who may visit your site.
Most importantly, the key word to remember is “stamina”, marketing stamina – giving you more value for money.


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