Clean up iTunes music library and repair iTunes info on Mac OS X

Provides the simplest method to clean up iTunes music library and external music library on Mac in only a few clicks; make music collections well organized and clean up iTunes space.

Automatically clean up iTunes music library and external music library;
Delete duplicates in music library intelligently, advanced Acoustic Fingerprint technology ensures successful duplicate scanning;
Get album artwork for iTunes music files and other music tags like artist, album, song name, etc. thru powerful online music database;
Allow to manually fix music tags of unrecognized music files;
Apply fixed music files to iTunes or original music folders in one click.
Support OS: Mac OS X 10.6 or later

Cleaning up music library on Mac is as easy as pie

Leawo Tunes Cleaner for Mac is a smart iTunes cleanup tool to seamlessly reorganize and repair music library in few simple clicks. It could not only detect and delete duplicates in iTunes and other music folders, but also delete songs that have no source files in music library. It could get album artwork, add missed music tags including artists and album, add music tags to complete music info manually, etc. What’s more, this iTunes cleaner program is smart enough that it could perfect and complete music info on basis of existing music tags. Besides to clean up iTunes music library, it could also open external music folders for fixing. Based on powerful online music database, this Mac iTunes cleanup tool fixes music fast, massively and accurately. The initiate scoring system shows you the iTunes music library health. By automatically scanning your iTunes music library, Leawo Tunes Cleaner for Mac saves your time and energy, and makes the iTunes cleanup process clear and simple. In one click, you can apply and save all fixes into iTunes music library.

Clean up iTunes comprehensively and easily

  • Add music tags automatically
    Automatically download and add music tags including song name, artist, album and album artwork, and perfect music info on basis of existing music tags.
  • Delete duplicates in iTunes
    With unique Clean-up Duplicates entry and advanced Acoustic Fingerprint technology, this iTunes cleaner could automatically detect and delete song duplicates in iTunes music library or other music folders easily and accurately.
  • Manual music tag editor
    This iTunes cleanup program allows manual fixing to add music tags like artist, song name, album and artwork.

Clean up music files massively and accurately

  • Massive, fast and accurate fix
    Powered by powerful online music database, this iTunes cleaner could clean up iTunes massively, fast and accurately.
  • Simple and clear guidance interface
    4 options are listed on the home interface: Start to Clean iTunes, Open Music Files, Clean-up Duplicates and Load Saved Results. These options make it quite clear and simple to select music files for fixing.
  • Enhanced ability to clean up duplicates
    2 song duplicate scanning modes are available: Quick Scan and Deep Scan. Quick Scan mode allows users custom scanning conditions, like song name, artist, album, etc. Deep Scan determine duplicates with Acoustic Fingerprint technology for more accurate scanning.

Clean up iTunes music files with funs

  • Unique scoring system
    Automatically score iTunes library before and after iTunes cleanup work to display iTunes library health.
  • Apply fixed info to iTunes in one-click
    This iTunes cleaner program supports to apply fixed music info to iTunes music library within only one click.

More Features

  • OS X 10.9 Mavericks supported
    Leawo Tunes Cleaner for Mac is fully applicable to Mac OS X 10.6+ versions, including the latest OS X 10.9 Mavericks.

  • Save project at will
    This tool allows you to save unfixed music files in case of emergency. You can fix these unfixed music files at leisure.

  • Easy to use
    Ultra simple and easy to understand interface, no technique knowledge required for music files cleaning.


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